I know, I know, right now Mom's thinking "Ah! She's still up at 1 am!", David's thinking "Ha! I told her she'd be up at 1 am", and Robyn's like "Hehe, I should Skype her right now." Yeah. I bet you all want an explanation as to why I'm writing a blog post at one in the morning.
The simple explanation, dear friends, is this: when one sleeps until 11:30 in the morning, one does not feel very tired at midnight. So one watches short Pixar clips online with one's friends, and then writes a blog post. Yes, it's true.
So...... this was quite a week, to say the least.
The excitement started last Friday, when my parents got here. We went to the sporting goods store in hopes of finding sneakers. (This is the same sporting goods store that my brother had kindly taken me to, two weeks prior. the same one that didn't carry my size.) But my brother had also informed me that "you're supposed to get sneakers one size bigger than normal". So, in we went to look for size 11 shoes.
Whadaya know, they didn't have any that fit. The arch was too high, the back was too loose, the top was too tight, the arch was too low, there wasn't an arch at all, the laces weren't right, or, worst of all,
they were pink. *
run in fear!!!!* After a half hour of trying on just about every pair, I did something that I never thought I would do.
I tried on men's sneakers.
I may be crazy, but I did it. And they weren't half bad. They just weren't..... right. So we left. And as we walked towards the exit, the lady asked, very nicely, "Did you find anything you were looking for?" "No. But that's ok." :) Poor lady.
I had some nice dinners with my parents, a lovely trip to Walmart which ended with us trotting up and down the aisles in hopes of finding dried mango. (we did find it, eventually. thank goodness!!)
And then on Saturday, I got to do something that I will probably never forget. I got to (Irish) dance with Scythian!!!! In case you don't know who they are, they're a Celtic "rock" band. Rock gives the wrong impression. (here's a link to some of their music, if you're interested! http://www.reverbnation.com/scythian (disclaimer: I was not paid to advertise.. :P ) Four of us choreographed a dance to Drums of Belfast and got to perform in front of a whole bunch of people. There was so much energy and it was awesome to be able to dance again after a five month hiatus.
After Mom and Dad left on Sunday, I brushed up on my French and Catholicism information, as I had 2 midterms on Monday afternoon. Basically my entire week was spent studying. I was one of the *cough* lucky *cough* people who had all five midterms last week- two Monday, two Thursday, and one on Friday. Friday's was the only really painful one- I concentrated on the wrong info. But I wasn't the only one- my friend and I commiserated over lunch and realized we both had made the exact same studying mistakes. *big sigh* At least they're behind me and I don't have to worry about any more tests or quizzes until.... Monday. Oh well.
Friday after the poetry test was really really good. I went to the vocation fair, which, by the way, is the largest in the country. There were something like 40 religious groups there. And I got more papers, flyers, holy cards, and free gifts than I could ever want. Voila:
Nothing, I repeat, nothing is in two pictures. Everything is only pictured once. Is that not insane, or what??
(sidenote- no, David, there was no convent there of cloistered sisters with 10 foot high walls. Sorry)
(sidenote 2- there were a couple cloistered sisters there, though. Am I the only one who sees something strange about this? I mean, doesn't "cloister" mean you don't leave? Maybe I'm imagining things.)
The other awesome thing about Friday was that I got to EM for the first time!!!! It was a really cool experience, and I get to tomorrow, as well! *happy dance*
Third awesome thing- we watched Phantom!! I love that movie....... I hadn't seen it in a couple years, so it was great to re-watch after seeing it on broadway.
After midterm week, both Evelyn and I were exhausted, so we slept in this morning and did random homework and pick up stuff today... and then tonight we saw the Incredibles. I had never seen it. Apparently one of the characters is like Ev's teacher, so it was hilarious to finally see this character. :D
Tomorrow is just another bumming around day... actually, it's technically today. I should probably get to bed. So, goodnight!